• Complete the online application for Admission Form. Make sure the form is signed. Click HERE for Application Form.
• An administration fee of R400.00 must accompany the application - this fee is not refundable. (Your application cannot be processed without payment of the administration fee). Kindly ensure that proof of payment is uploaded when submitting the application.
• A copy of your child's most recent Report must be uploaded when submitting the application (if any).
• Additional documentation to be uploaded with application: copies of any medical, psychological or therapists' reports and assessments (if any).
• Once processing of Application begins or a place becomes available you will be contacted and an interview will be arranged with the Head.
• After the interview a faculty meeting is arranged and the application is reviewed.
• You will be notified telephonically and in writing that your child has been accepted.
• A screening test may be required for placement purposes.
• A short interview with the Bursar where you complete the Acceptance of Place Forms. Make sure the forms are signed.
• A non-refundable Admission Fee of R3500.00 must be paid to secure your child’s place.
• After signing the Acceptance of Place Form, a term’s fees will be payable whether or not your child actually attends the school.
School Terms
Term 1: January 15 – March 28
Term 2: April 8 – June 27
Term 3: July 22 – September 26
Term 4: October 14 – December 5
School & Public Holidays
March 21 (Fri) - Human Rights Day
April 18 (Fri) - Good Friday
April 20 (Sun) - Easter Sunday
April 21 (Mon) - Family Day
April 27 (Sun) - Freedom Day
April 28 (Mon) - Public Holiday
May 1 (Thurs) – Worker’s Day
June 16 (Mon) – Youth Day
August 9 (Sat) – National Women’s Day
September 24 (Tues) - Heritage Day
Weekly Memo: Released every Thursday to provide timeous information re the upcoming week's events and other important notifications.
The Talking Book: Each child is given a message book (Nursery) or Homework Book (Grades). These books ensure daily liaison between parents and the class teacher. It must be brought to school every day. Please check this book DAILY. This book may be used to relay messages to your child's teacher; it is read daily by the teacher, who then has an opportunity to respond to your questions, queries and comments.
SMS Reminders: Urgent reminders are sent to parents via SMS to ensure they are kept updated on all events or happenings at the school.
Owlnet Newsletter: At the end of each term parents receive the Owlnet which gives a window as to the happenings and activities of that term.
Forres ChildCloud Communicator: ChildCould is an easy-to-use tool that pushes information directly to parents, including the latest news, pictures, and homework. It is the base for our Virtual Classroom and School Database. Get all the latest news and information from Forres, no matter where you are.
The uniform and hair policy at Forres Preparatory School is designed to unite our children with a sense of pride and genuine belonging to the school community. At the same time, it reflects our belief in supporting our children in the development of their preferred gender, cultural and religious identities.
• Both uniform and hair guidelines are gender neutral.
• There is no summer or winter uniform. Children may wear any combination of uniform depending on the weather as long as it appears on the uniform list.
• Hairstyles should be neat and not interfere with being able to see properly, do school work or play a sport. If long, hair should be pinned back or tied back with appropriate colour hair ties/clips.
• On days that children participate in afternoon sport or PE during the morning, they may come to school already dressed in the sports uniform.
• Families may make modifications to the uniform to comply with their religious or cultural beliefs. (Clothing and jewellery). All that is required is a short letter of motivation to the Head.
• Parents will be approached if children attend school in the incorrect school uniform by the class teacher or Head of School. If there are short-term challenges in acquiring correct school uniform, a letter of explanation to the class teacher is required.