Our Approach to Teaching and Learning
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle
Narrative practice is the umbrella philosophy
that covers all practices in the school.At Forres we adopt a position that children live their lives according to the stories they tell about themselves. As teachers we stand accountable and believe we hold the power to develop narratives that are positive and help children to build a vision for their lives. We engage in annual and active teacher training which equip our teachers with the skills to look for and grow these celebratory and hopeful narratives about our children.
Personalising the learning journey by shaping education by individual need, interest and aptitude so as to ensure that every child achieves and reaches the highest standard possible or them.
When a child joins Forres we create a Learner Portfolio that reflects their interests, strengths, weaknesses and passions. It also reflects whether learning milestones are being achieved and the individual support, strategies and extension that is required to achieve these milestones.
Every child can develop their brain, abilities and talent through applying effort, hard work and self discipline. It does not just ’happen’ because you have talent or are clever. You have to grow your brain.
At Forres we seek to broaden the scope of a child’s potential beyond the idea of IQ which only focuses on mathematical and linguistic intelligence. We include the full range of human intelligences, (bodily/kinaesthetic, musical, visual/spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist) and choose to ask the question ‘what kind of smart are you?’ and not ‘how smart are you?’
Research on how the brain, mind and body work together is exploding and is the new paradigm through which we understand how to teach and how we learn at Forres. We teach children to think rather than just remember and we teach children how their brain works.
We believe schools play a role in the making and shaping of a new society. To this end we actively teach and run programmes that develop positive social and emotional behaviour and raise awareness around social justice issues.
A programme which is driven through the whole school that equips children with the social/emotional skills, strategies and resources to navigate through an ever changing world and bounce back from adversity.
To embrace and celebrate the richness of all kinds of diversity at every level of the school. To create the conditions of a school culture that respects and appreciates difference and teaches the skills to live in a multi cultural world.
Each year children identify a people, animal and earth campaign. They run campaigns around these projects with the aim of raising awareness on environmental issues and the challenges facing our world. In choosing and driving these campaigns, children develop a sense of hope and the belief that they can make a difference.
Our Behaviour Management/Code of Conduct Policy is restorative in spirit. Whilst providing consequences to behaviours it also seeks to educate and support children in finding a better way to relate to each other. It includes the active teaching of social/emotional competencies:
• Self Awareness: the ability to accurately recognise ones owns emotions, thoughts and values and how they influence behaviour.
• Social Awareness: the ability to take the perspective of and empathise with others, including those from diverse backgrounds.
• Responsible Decision Making: the ability to make wise choices about personal behaviour and social interactions.
• Self Management: the ability to successfully regulate ones emotions, thoughts and behaviours in different situations.
• Relationship Skills: the ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups.
Our Web of Care embraces
all of the paradigms listed aboveIt is through and by this team that every parent, teacher and child is helped and supported in their learning journey, emotionally socially and academically. Teachers consult with the TSTeam weekly, where children's portfolios are checked, updated and individual learning plans developed where needed. In this way the personal learning journey is continually evaluated. Parents are seen as valuable partners in this process and often participate in meetings.